Indian Vice President Dhankhar Calls for Regulation of Information to Combat Fake News

Mr. Neeraj Soni
Mr. Neeraj Soni
Sr. Researcher - Policy & Advocacy, CyberPeace
Jun 25, 2024


As our reliance on digital communication technologies increases, so do the risks associated with the same. The propagation of false information is a significant concern. According to the World Economic Forum's 2024 Global Risk Report, India ranks the highest for misinformation and disinformation risk. Indian Vice President Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the digital information age, addressing Indian Information Service officer trainees at the Vice President's Enclave on 18th June 2024. He has highlighted the issue of widespread misinformation and the need to regulate it. He stated “Information is power, information is too dangerous a power, information is that power which has to be regulated’’.

VC calls for regulation of the Information Landscape 

The Vice President of India, Shri Dhankhar, has called on young Indian Information Service officers to act swiftly to neutralize misinformation on social media. He emphasized the importance of protecting individuals and institutions from fake narratives set afloat on social media. The VP called for the officers to act as information warriors, protecting the privacy and reputation of affected individuals or institutions. 

The VP also highlighted India's vibrant democracy and the need for trust in the government. He called for the neutralization of motivated narratives set by global media and stressed the importance of not allowing others to calibrate them. He also emphasized the need to promote India's development narrative globally, highlighting its rich cultural heritage and diversity. He has expressed the need to regulate information, saying “Unregulated information & fake news can create a disaster of un-imaginable proportion.”

MeitY Advisory dated 1st March 2024

As regards to the issue of misinformation, the recently-issued advisory by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), specifies that all users should be well informed about the consequences of dealing with unlawful information on online platforms, including disabling access, removing non-compliant information, suspension or termination of access or usage rights of the user to their user account and imposing punishment under applicable law. The advisory entails that users are clearly informed, through terms of services and user agreements, about the consequences of engaging with unlawful information on the platform. Measures to combat deepfakes or misinformation have also been discussed in the advisory. The advisory necessitates identifying synthetically-created content across various formats, and advising platforms to employ labels, unique identifiers, or metadata to ensure transparency. Furthermore, the advisory mandates the disclosure of software details and tracing the first originator of such synthetically created content.


The battle against the growing incidences of misinformation and disinformation will not be easily won: developing a robust regulatory framework to counter online misinformation is essential. Alongside the regulatory framework, the government should encourage digital literacy campaigns, promote prebunking and debunking strategies and collaborate with relevant organisations such as cybersecurity experts, fact-checking entities, researchers, and policy analysts to combat misinformation on the Internet. Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar's statement scores the need to regulate information to prevent the spread of fake news or misinformation.



Jun 25, 2024
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